Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Free Tooth Extraction!

If your dentist screws up really badly you can get a FREE tooth extraction! All you have to do to qualify is suffer with tooth pain for 6 weeks, get a filling done without anesthesia (since it is so minor...) and then get accused of bad behavior when you wiggle in the seat during the 20 minute procedure! If you qualify for the bonus torture, you can get a massive abscess! For the grand finale, you can have your very first tooth to come out be forcefully extracted by dental pliers!
(Note the "surface" cavity that our previous dentist said was no big deal...)

As a parent you might have the joy of answering questions like, "Will all my teeth bleed as much as this one when they fall out?"

Wow. This was a parenting experience was a particularly tough one...although, my favorite question was if it was true that the tooth fairy brought double if you got your tooth pulled. Two shiny new dollar coins are waiting under the pillow...

In a strange twist of history repeating itself, I got to take him to the toy store for "anything he wanted" just as my mother did for me when I had my front teeth similarly removed when I was four. I chose the Fisher Price McDonalds (currently $100 on ebay) and he chose the Nerf Dart Shooter (a mere $14.99 today.)


At November 23, 2010, Anonymous Anonymous said...

How's the teeth?


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