Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Talent Summer Camp

Sadie and Oliver attended a summer camp called Unity's Got Talent. They had classes throughout the week, field trips, and a culminating talent show! Here are some images from the week- in completely random order! Enjoy! Sadie singing "Puppy on the Front Porch" at the Show. You can't see her little hips shaking in the picture...

Sadie loved this experience!

One of the field trips was to the Puppetry Arts Institute ( where the kids viewed an amazing array of puppets and marionettes. They also learned about Hazelle Puppets and made their own. Everyone got to choose a "head" to paint and then the volunteers (all 75 years old or older...) sewed their heads onto the body they chose. After the puppets were created this woman pictured (doesn't she kind of resemble a puppet?) gave them a little class on how to do a puppet show. And, then each puppet got to get into the puppet stage, introduce themselves and share their "puppet story." PRICELESS. This place is a true treasure. Sadie's puppets name is Sofie, I believe, and surprisingly to all who know little girls, she is a princess. Almost all the 5-6 year old girls chose the same rubber head and created princesses... Oliver created a princess eating piranha. He actually ate anything including his friends owls, frogs, bears, bunnies and after his piranha ate them he exclaimed, " CHOMP! And they were never seen again." This was extremely cute the first 432 times...

Painting the piranha.

Playing checkers with a worthy opponent...How did she do that!?

I volunteered several days and assisted Ms. Francie. Good times

Drying the princesses hair.

On stage in a sleeping bag and flannel pajamas performing "The Alarm Clock Rings." A song about a boy abruptly awakened by an alarm clock on Saturday morning. Complete with smashing the alarm clock, blasting it into space and a dramatic wake up dance.

Lots of new friends.

Sadie's song was about a girl who finds a puppy on her front porch and takes her in. Like that would ever happen in our life!? Ha!


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