Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Special Person's Day at School

Thank you Auntie for visiting!!

Sunday, November 11, 2007

Best Friend Cousins have a wonderful Cabin Weekend

Good times had by all at the CABIN this weekend! View from the SinkHole SuperTony on TOP of the world!

Mission Accomplished: Fishing

Everyone else trying to catch a fish like SuperSadie

SuperSadie catches first fish!

WOW- look at this FISH caught on a BARBIE Fishing POLE!

Trying hard to catch something other than leaves!

How does this thing work?


I love you!

They could pass for brothers (or twins) more than this twin looks like his real brothers!

Thank you Veterans

Our neighborhood school had a very genuine and touching Veterans Day Celebration. Our little kindergartener got up in front of his entire school to give his daddy his Veteran's Day cards and a rose. I especially loved the principal's sentiments at the end when he suggested to students that they get to know their family histories by talking to family members over the holidays. This was a very touching ceremony.

Monday, November 05, 2007

So much fun at Powell Gardens!

The pictures don't even begin to capture the joy that was my little girl running through the gardens in her Salsa dancing dress searching for scarecrows and dinosaurs...if only wearing something see through, form fitting and crocheted would bring me so much joy!